Civic Initiative and American Politics

Thursday, March 11, 2010

American Politics Newsletter 3/11/10

This week's political newsletter includes commentary on campaign finance reform and America's economy, along with reports on US aid to Haiti, and the withdrawal schedule from Iraq. Also included is an especially interesting article on an American woman in custody for supporting terrorist activities whose average appearance kept her somewhat off of the FBI's radar.

Here is a link to this week's newsletter:[1].doc

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Congressional District Newsletter

Along with our newsletter on large-scale newspaper on American politics, we will be posting frequent analyses of competitive congressional elections in November. Our first district is Alabama's 2nd congressional district, and an analysis of the political demographics and candidates for congress of this district can be found here:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Republican Civil War

Here is an interesting analysis of the current state of the republican party. It analyzes the Republican candidates in upcoming gubernatorial and senate primary elections this year, and whether or not these competitive primaries will help or hurt republicans in unseating Democrats this November:,0