Civic Initiative and American Politics

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Poll: Voters Less Pessimistic than 2008, but Unhappier than 2006"

Is this election much different from other elections, as many Tea Party members may claim? In short, no. Compare Obama’s approval rating numbers to those of Clinton’s in 1994. Currently, 45% of voters approve of Obama’s performance, while 54% disapprove. Clinton’s numbers were nearly the same, with 44% approving and 52% disapproving. Compare this to President Bush’s numbers in 2006 (43% approval, 57% disapproval), and the image is clear: voter’s opinion of the presidential action is no better or worse than in other mid-term election years.
What was on voters' minds when they cast their ballot? The economy, with 62% of voters naming it the most important issue. Second on voter’s mind was healthcare, at 19%. With the economy being the number one issue, who did the voters blame for America’s economic position? Thirty-five percent blame Wall St, 29% blame Bush, and 24% blame President Obama. Thus, while most Americans agree that the economy is the area that needs to be most focused on right now, they do not agree on the cause of the economic situation.
To read more about who voted and what motivated and influenced their decisions, click here:

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