Civic Initiative and American Politics

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Potential Senate Campaign for Giffords

Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords, (D) is steadily recovering from a gunshot wound to the head that she sustained during an attack at a political event earlier this year. Despite the intense injury, there are rumblings that Giffords may run as a prime Senatorial candidate in an effort to replace Republican Senator Jon Kyl, who is vacating his seat next year.

According to a New York Times article, Giffords' aides and supporters are currently focused on her health rather than politics, as she is still in the hospital. Giffords' husband, astronaut Mark Kelley, is highly optimistic about her recovery, claiming that "she is improving everyday" in terms of memory, walking, and talking. Giffords was among those wounded during her "Congress on Your Corner" event on January 8th, when a gunman opened fire, leaving 6 people dead and 19 injured.

Giffords had expressed interest in running for the Senate before the January shooting, and politically speaking, as a third term representative, she has a strong chance at winning a nomination. Other Democratic hopefuls have expressed support of Giffords recovery and her possible candidacy: one stated that any Democrat running against her "would be doomed." Another hopeful and friend of Giffords, Fred DuVal, has said he will run only if Giffords opts out. However, pending recovery, even a popular Blue Dog Democrat like Giffords still faces fierce competition in a state as red as Arizona.

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