Civic Initiative and American Politics

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Protests Continue in Yemen

This week, Amabassador Tom Krajeski is coming to UMASS Amherst to lecture and lead a discussion on Yemen, and current events throughout the Middle East. The timing is apt, as protesters have returned to the streets in Sanaa, Yemen, on Tuesday for a "Day of Rage".

Protesters for and against President Ali Abdullah Saleh were joined by an alleged former mentor to Osama bin Laden, cleric Sheik Abdul Majid al-Zindani. Zindani, whom the US claims has ties to al-Qaeda, called for Saleh to step down in order to make Yemen an Islamic state. At this point, many anti-government factions are looking for the support of Zindani, while others express ambivalence about the strong religious sentiments.

Both The New York Times and Al-Jazeera report that Saleh is laying blame for protests at the feet of the United States and Israel, claiming they are responsible for destabilizing Yemen and the entire region. The Times contends that the US has been Mr. Saleh’s most powerful Western backer during his three decades in power.

24 people are reported dead so far in the Yemeni protests that have spanned about a month thus far.

Ambassador Krajeski will speak about these events, among others, at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst on Thursday March 3rd at 5pm in Thompson Hall, 106.

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